No Authority Team Reviews
    Leila's review of the September 2, 2000 show (with a her experiences backstage!)

Jen, Carrera, and I left Saturday morning at 2am to drive to Spokane,WA from Portland,OR to see the NA. We got to Spokane around 8 am and decided to stop somewhere and change and get something to eat. Then we headed up to Riverfront Park which is where the concert was being held.

When we got to the park, there was already a huge line. I decided to call the other postergirl Anna, and so I did and I found out that she was way up in the front of the line with my friend Sheena. So I walked up there and we met and talked for awhile. Then around 10:50am I decided to go back down and stand with Carrera and Jen because they were supposed to be letting us in at 11am. Well then Sheena was like, "Why don't you just come up here with me". So I was like "okay". So I wen, down and got Carrera and Jen and we walked back up to the front of the line.

11 am came and we still weren't in the park. Finally at 2:15pm they let us in and the concert was supposed to start at 2:00pm but it didn't start until about 2:45. I spent the rest of the day just walking around in the rain and waiting for the guys.

Richard told me the guys would be get there at 5:30. Well I talked to Jaime one of the DJ's and he said that they weren't going to get there until 6pm and go onstage at 7pm. Well 6pm came around and they still were not there. So then around 6:30pm I looked under the bridge which is where all the bands were and Alicia my friend goes "OMG is that Danny?" and I looked, and I go "OMG It IS him." And I was just is awe. So then this security guy comes over and asks who's the main person that's supposed to be going back? And I said I was, so he was like well I can bring two other people back. So he took Carrera, my friend Sheena , and I backstage. As we were walking through the gate all these girls were like "OMG you're going backstage." I just looked at them and smiled.

As we got down to the bridge the first guy that I came to was Ric. He walked over to me and I was like "Hey Ric!" And he goes "Hi!" Then I asked for a hug and he gave me one. Then my mission was to find Dan. I saw Tom and Eric, but no Dan. Then I looked and here he comes walking from behind the van. So I called him over and I took out his bag of gifts outta my backpack and I go "Remember when I gave you those two K2 shirts in Seattle? He was like "Ya".

And then I go "Well here is something else for ya". And I handed him the bag and he opened it up and pulled out the K2 hat and was like "OMG how cool". And then he pulled out K2 shirt and goes "OMG! Wow!! Thanks so much". So then he went and put the bag in the van and then he walked back over to me and goes " You deserve this". And I was like "what??" And so he walked over and gave me this great big hug, and I was like OMG! So then I went and put my backpack down and got out my pix for the guys to sign and I walked back over to Dan and asked him to sign a pic of him wearing one of the shirts I gave him and so he did, then I had him sign my year book since I didn't get a chance for him to sign it in June. Then I had Tony sign a picture of himself from Seattle and then I walked over to Ric and I had him sign the close of picture I have of him from March and he did and then I asked him for a hug and he said sure so he wrapped his arms around me and I got a picture. Then I looked over at Eric and he was dancing like a dork. It was funny. So then I asked Danny if I could take a picture with him and he said ya. So I turned to Jen and asked if she would take it and she said ok. So Danny was like, "come here", so I did and he wrapped his arms around me and we took the picture. I was in heaven. Then Richard was saying they had to go up by the stage. So we walked them up there to the stage.

When we got up to the stage Richard handed me these VIP calling Card to hand out after they left. So I was just standing there and Danny goes "Where's Ric?" and Eric goes "I don't know". And so they were looking around and I go "Dan, he went to the bathroom". And he's all like "Oh." So then Ric comes walking up and I go "hey Ric?" And he goes "what?" And I go "Can I get a kiss?" He's like "Okay, do you want a to take a picture too?" I was like "okay sure". So I gave my camera to Sheena and he gave me a kiss but she didn't know how to work the camera so I had to show her, so then Ric gave me another kiss and she took the picture. I was in heaven. So then I was going to ask Eric for a picture but he was talking to a girl from Cleopatra about how much his pants cost , the ones he wore for the new CD cover. So instead I turned around and there was Tom. So I asked him for a picture and he said "ya". So I got a picture with him. And then the guys got in a group to pray and I wanted to take a picture of it, but I knew I shouldn't so I didn't. I felt so bad for the guys because it was freezing. It was like 64º and they had just been in Houston where it was 102º. So then I saw Anna was showing Ric her cell phone that said "I Luv Ricky G!" so I walked over to Danny and I go "Hey Dan check this out". So I showed him my cell phone and it said "I Luv Spider G!" and he goes "OMG how cool!" It was funny.

Then it was time for them to go up on stage and Danny way telling Eric "Spo-can" and Eric goes "Spok-cane?" and Danny's like "no". So then Eric turned to me and he goes "Spo-cane right?" And Danny goes "Spo-Can?" And I was like "No it's Spo-can. Danny's right." So then Eric goes "Spo-can?" And I was like "YES!!!" It was funny. So then all of us that went backstage ran over to the other side of the stage so we could watched them and they came out and did "What I Wanna Do" (which Danny changed his rap in so if anyone know it please send me the words), "Telling You This", "Don't Get Better", "One More Time", and "Can I get Your Number".

I felt so bad for the guys because the mics weren't working. Either there was no sound or they would fade in and out. So right before "I'm Telling You This", they walked off stage to get the mics working and then Tommy came back out on stage and goes "Who let the dogs out?" and the crowd just started barking. It was sooooo funny. And then he was like "Sorry we're having problems with the mics". And then they came back on and finished.

After they were don't we all ran to the other side of the stage where they were gonna walk off and then we walked them down to the van and there was some fans there that had won bsp's from the radio station so the guys got in a line and bent down and the 1st 5 girls went and got a picture, and then the next 5 girls went and then some other girls went and this guy told me to get in so I was like okay. So I got behind Tommy and Ricky and I put my hand on their shoulders and Tommy turned around and looked at me and smiled. So I smiled back. And then they got up and got in the van because it was 8:00pm, and they had to catch a plane at 8:30. So then they left.

    Laura's review of the June 21, 2000 show

I have always seen No Authority in tons of magizines but I never really heard any of there music. I always thought they were adorable and cut out all there picutes and all the articles on them and put them into a folder. Well a few weeks ago I heard their new song "Can I Get Your Number" and I totally flipped out. I loved it and I found it was No Authority. I immediatly feel in love and went to every site they possibly have online and printed ever picture!! They're so cute.

Anyways, me and my friends were going to a Britney Spears concert but we didn't think that No Authority was going to be there cuz I knew they were going on the All That tour. So we weren't really expecting anything when we got there but we found out they were there and we flipped out. I almost passed out!! We ran up to the radio station that was there (95.7) and starting begging them to let us go backstage. They said we just missed the group going backstage so we were dissaponted but I was still happy I was going to see them in concert. When they came onstage I starting screaming!!! I didn't stop 'til they went backstage. This lady even yelled at me for yelling too loud, hehe. Whoops. But I loved them, their voices totally captivated me and totally blew me away!!!

I will never forget it. Also I screamed sooo much for them that I pretty much lost my voice before they got off stage. I tried screaming I love Danny but nothing came out, oh well!!! They're just awesome guys that are extremelly talented!!!

Luv ya guys, never change.

    Michelle's latest reviews! (July 22-23, 1999)

July 22nd:

No Authority arrived at the mall at around 2:15. There were maybe a little more then ten other girls there,not that big of a crowd.They got out of their limo and went to the autograph table.It was my turn to go up and I had my na binder that is like 3 inches thick and full of pictures.I had them sing the cover and gave each of them a letter I wrote them.I got to Ricky and he's all"what is this thing"and then he opened it up and him and the guys looked through practicaly the whole thing.So when they were done Ricky wrote a cute little message inside for me and made it out to me and everything.Eric remembered me from Tampa,I was soo happy.My friend and I gave Eric stickers.They were funny I'm not sure if I can write what they said here though! After they played around on this rock climbing thing.Tommy went up it blind folded and Danny threw balls at Ricky while he went up.Then Eric went up blind folded.After they did this trivia thing to win free shoes and I came in second.Then they sang a cuple songs.Danny had this tattoo on his neck so I asked him if it was real and he said acting like he was offended"yeah"but then he started laughing and said it wasn't real.He told me that he wanted to get like one that said NA.Then I took a picture with him and he left with the guys.

July 23rd:

My friend and I made a sign for the concert that said"Can We Get Your Number?"I was so excited when I relized we had floor seats.So we got to our seats and I remembered how Eric told me he'd bring me on stage so we went to the front when they came on.We were totaly screaming and Eric looked over at me and smiled.He came over and sang to me it was soo cool I almost fainted.Then Tommy came over latter and sang to me and my friend.They didn't sing the song where they bring a girl up though.So after we went to get their autographes.Eric smiled at me and said"I saw you down there".Then he signed this picture my friend and I took of his butt the day before.He thought it was funny.I even got a hug.My friend was all wait I want to get a picture hug her again so he ended up hugging me three times so she could get the picture.We also had them sign our sign.I got a hug from Danny too,which totaly made my day.Then Ricky was about to sign our sign and he leaned over and spilled his water all over it.My friend look mad but she said "oh it'sok".

Then Danny said"Yeah sure she's all it's ok but you know she's trying not to attack you".But Ricky was sweet he took his towel from around his neck and dried it off.After we were at the radio booth and they came over and Tommy signed our arms.I also got to see his new tattoo.It was an NA one just like Danny said he wanted.Any how it was alot of fun and they are starting to remember now cuz I've seen them so many times.

    Michelle meets the guys...  (summer 1999)

Well we drove to Tampa from Orlando to go to the concert. We got lost in downtown Tampa and found a hotel that looked nice. We checked in and got the last room they had. The man at the desk asked if I was going to the concert and then said I should hang out in the lobby and watch some of the performers leave. So I sat down there for a while and saw the cast of All That and Tatiyana(I have no idea how to spell her name)Ali. Then we went over to the concert which was across the street. They a had a whole bunch of boothes and were selling No Authority t-shirts and pictures.

No Authority came out first. They were wearing these bright futuritic looking clothes. They sang their old song"Don't Stop"first. Then they sang "A Girl Like You","What I Wanna Do",and "Beautiful Girl."In the middle of "Beautiful Girl"Eric said who wants to come on stage and he brought a girl up and put her in a seat and they all danced around her and sang. After the performance they went to one of the boothes and signed autographed. I had a great time and loved watching them perform.

After the concert I was hoping I might see them in the hotel so I sat in the lobby for a while. I was about to give up hope and go to bed when I saw Eric,Tommy,and Danny walk into the lobby with their security guard. They went over and talked with some other people from the tour and were a little ways away from me. I got really nervous and couldn't go over and talk to them.

My mom relized it and walked over to Danny and asked if I could get a picture. He looked over at me and smiled and told Eric and Tommy to come over with him.They were walking over and Eric jumped into the seat next to me. I almost died. Tommy came up to me and shook my hand and said "Hi I'm Tommy the new guy". Then there security guard was joking around and said "and I'm Ricky G." I talked to them for a little while and they asked me stuff like where in San Diego I live and what I was doing all the way in Florida.Tommy talked about how they ride in the bus and sleep in it and how it kills his back. Danny was walking around with his skate board,which was kind of funny because he was in the lobby of the hotel but it was cute.After a while I got a picture with them and I thought they would leave but they all sat down with me and talked a little longer and then they had to go.

I went back to our room and called my friend because I had to tell some one what just happened. The other line kept ringing but I didn't pick it up when I got off the phone it rang again and my mom said"Come down here I'm sitting here with Stretch and everyone else",they had just finished talking about the whole ostrich thing that they call Eric so she called him Stretch. I came down just as Tommy and Danny were leaving and thought that they all already left. But then I saw my mom sittinng with Eric and their security guard. Eric said hi and I said hi back and my mom said "Don't you have any thing else to say" to me. So everyone is staring at me and I have no idea what to say.

Then Eric helped me out and asked who my favorite act was and what I liked best about the show. He also asked if I had seen them before and I told them about when I saw them in San Diego and he said"Oh that was our rough time"because it was after Josh left and it was just the three of them. He was talkiing about how the bring a girl up onstage and he was sooo sweet he said"If you were down there I would have picked you". Then he said he'd look for me at the San Diego show and bring me up since he gets to pick. He told me about how in one city he brought a girl up and she screamed so loud he had to plug his ears and she was screaming into the mick and stuff. He said if he brings up I have to scream though because it's more fun that way.

Then he asked where I first heard of them and he said how they freaked out when they first saw themselves in a magazine and it was just a little picture and how his mom has it framed. He asked what my favorite song was on the first album and if I had the single. It was really funny because he was asking all of the questions and the coolest thing was that he was really interested in what I had to say. I told him about how I had a webpage and he got a napkin and had me write the adress down so he could check it out when he got home.

At first when I was talking to him I was just like oh my gosh which I think is why he was asking all the questions but after a while I was really comfortable talking to him and it didn't seem like he was some famous singer that I have a picture of on my wall but like he was just some guy that went to my school or something. He gave me hug when he had to go ,it was around 1 am and I had been talking to him for a little over an hour,and told me it was nice meeting me and that he'd see me on the 23rd. He was a really sweet guy and I had the best time talking to him and I love No Authority even more now.I don't think I'll ever forget that night.

    Jean Marie's No Authority/Tommy McCarthy encounters

June 29, 1999 - I work at the venue so I am there before anyone else. Well, me and a friend/coworker were talking and well next to us were these 4 guys. Well, they were kinda jumping around, and totally noticeable. Well, they were shooting some video and promoting Reebok. We were like Adidas is better. Well, they kept looking at us weird. Well, the camera guy asked if they wanted to do it again and they said yeah. Well, we were watching cuz we were nosy. Well, the guys start talking and go hey We're No Authority. I mean I read the list and was like oh you are a band. Well, when they were all done I walked over and introduced myself to the tall blonde who replied that he was no authority and then told me his name was Tommy. He introduced me to the other guys who all seemed nice. We all talked for a good 5 minutes before me and my friend had to work and the guys had to autograph whatever. As we were walking out, Girls were screaming outside the gate. I was just like people know who you are and like you? And the one named Danny just laughed at me. And him and the others were wearing these hats that said dmx and I was like nice hat, and Danny turned to me smiled and said thanx. He has the best smile. Well, the guys signed me a pic real quick and I went to work. Well, I did my work and so didn't my friend.

When we were done it was about time for the guys 2nd signing. Well, over this time I had developed a big crush for Tommy and my Friend for Eric. Well, we went to see if we could talk to them but little screaming girls everywhere. So as they were walking away, I went to see if I could get Tommy's attention and well when I reached where he was some little hooch that wasn't older than 14 pushed me. So my friend Grabbed me and said let's go to the lot. Well, we walked out to the lot and I talked to security and they pointed out the bus. Well, we walked over and talked to Tony the bodyguard. We must have talked to him for a 1/2 hour. We talked about everything and got the background on him. He is a really nice guy very open and talkative. After a little while Starr came out and she was really nice but really stressed. Then the guys came out. Tommy's family was there so he didn't talk for long before joining his family. We stayed outside hanging out with Danny, Eric and Ricky. The guys were all towel snapping each other, and Ricky hit Danny's hand which we all laughed at then hit my butt.

Well, the boys went to change for the meet n greet w/ the street team so we were left with Eric. My friend told Eric she wanted to take him on a date and he was very sympathetic about not being able to go. I tried to sneak him out but Tony wasn't having it. Well, Starr then invited us to the meet n greet with the street team so we walked out back with No Authority into a room with all these little screaming girls. We hung out and talked with Tommy's family who were really nice. After about a half hour we decided to bounce and I called over Tommy and gave him a hug and then we left. I also gave Tony my phone number to give to Tommy cuz I had no idea we were going to the meet n greet. But The guys were wonderful. They were really down to earth and really cool.

SO if you get the chance to get out and see them I suggest you do and try to meet them cuz they are worth it.

August 27, 1999 - I was everywhere. I got there walked around trying to get people's receipts for the pass then I gave up and started talking to a salesperson who told me they were upstairs when they were really down the hall. Then I went downstairs and saw them on stage so I went flying out of the store and caught some of it and then I went to the back of the stage when they were all walking off and saw them but They didn't pay attention. So I went back in and found Tony and he actually remembered me form the All that which was cool and I was talking to him and Starr then we got all these stuff from the meet n greet thing the guy gave em to us. The we went to CVS and as we were walking there we saw Tony and Starr so we chatted with them again (we as in me and my friend Katie). then we got back there and were walking around the store when we overheard some one say something about the managers office so we headed that way I turned around for something and wasn't Tony following us so I was like oh crap ya know I felt weird so we found the sales guy again and he played along and told us what department as a cover then we walked over and 2 guys form CNote were standing there they walked to the bathroom so I was like what do I do follow Tony or the 2 hott guys.

SO I wanted to see Tommy more so we walked toward where the guys were hiding out. Well don't we walk over and I felt weird like what if they were sitting there so we walked right by and I saw this lady walk by and I thought she looked like Debbie so I was like standing in the aisle and we were like oh no I am like I think it is and Katie was like ask ask and I was like I am too sheepish right now. So she walked by and I go excuse me are you and she nodded her head so we all started talking forever about the guys Danny Tommy his family.

Well, then she left we went and talked to the sales guy again. Well then we went to leave, got in the elevator and well we ended up going upstairs instead of down so we got back on the elevator and went down a floor and wasn't Tommy walking in as we walked out so I grabbed him he recognized me quick chat a chat with you lata type deal and A quick bye and wave as the door shut well then I went to hang out by where the guys were hiding and I walked down the hallway all 007 and yelled Eric Stretch and didn't Eric go walking by I was like oh god so then they were getting mad well Macy's security and Tony started walking out I was like let's get out of here. we picked up 3 girls we didn't know either and we all hung out then we went downstairs and over heard the guys would be down in a few minutes so we hung by the door and the lady kicked us out then we hung outside and she kicked us away then we just kept getting knocked around and finally we ended up in front of the stage. so then Fast Freddie came out and di the thing and then they did their thing. y know then we ran back in walked around and hid out and well then we rode the elevators went around the store and dint we get in the elevator with Fast Freddie so we ended up going up a floor and we got off talking to Freddie not realizing then some lady told us we were lost so we went back to the elevators. and I got the weirdest feeling in my stomach and I heard like guys And I was like oh god what if No Authority comes up here and then the elevator opened and Eric stood there smiling came over grabbed my hand we talked for a few and then we went downstairs we were running around before the meet n greet.

Finally the meet n greet I was right in front of some display and all the guys saw me and waved as they walked by then Tony was making fun of me cuz I was dancing around and having a good time and all the guys were noticing me so we all exchanged waves and smiles the whole time then I got out my note I wrote for Tommy and I tried to get Tony to come over and take it so finally he did. and he chucked it at Tommy Tommy looks up and Tony pointed to me and Tommy just smiled then after a while of waving to him and trying to get his attention he looks over and smiles and I am waving like a lunatic and he laughs waves back and says thanx I go thank you. So we hung around were messing around with the guys from CNote cuz they thought we were waving to them and Ricky kept laughing cuz we were waving to him. and then I had to leave mind you I am around 500 14 year olds. As I was walking out I walked along the barrier thingy and I yelled bye to them and they all stopped what they were doing and all waved and yelled bye. It was the cutest thing. I even got a few bye waves from CNote.



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