Danny Zavatsky's Team Concert Review!

No Authority In Concert, San Diego, CA (8/29/98)

reviewed by Michelle

We got there a half an hour early and there were all these screaming girls with signs and stuff! It was in San Diego in the Sea World parking lot! They were having some kids basketball clinic and had like all these basketball players there!They had NA on last which wasn't a good idea! Half way through the Harlom Globetroters performence this big Z90 (radio station) bus came in the parking lot and every one started scream 'cause they walked out of the bus! Then these girls were singing and the guys were in the back playing basketball, so everytime they made a jump shot everyone screamed!

Then Jon B came on. After that this Baywatch guy comes out and like said something like 4 guys from LA and everyone started screaming.They brought out these box like things for the guys to sit on and dance on! And next thing I know they came running out on the basketball court. They started singing their first single "Don't Stop" and then they introduced themselves and started singing "One More Time!" When the song was over, Eric got up on the boxes or whatever they were and said alright enough of this slow stuf and they started singing "She Drives Me Crazy"! Well half way through the song everyone screamed "take it off!"; Ricky just took off his jacket, Eric took of his jacket and jeans! Then Danny just rips off his shirt, cause it was velcrow, and next thing I know he's unbuckling his belt and then he took his pants off! They all had shorts or pants on underneath, of course!

Ricky did some flips and stuff! Then they sang their newest single "Up And Down" and at the end they were all laying down looking up at the sky! Oh forgot to mention, Josh wasn't there, Eric sang all of his parts! It was kewl cause they were really singing and could dance really well. And they also touched peoples' hands and stuff. I think Ricky kissed a couple!

Afterwards the announcer guy says, ok, No Authority will sign autographes over there; every one was running in a mad rush! But the securety guards kept everything organized! They took us over there in groups to wait in line. At first I was fine but when I got up there I totaly freaked out! Eric was the first one to sign my CD and picture! I was like so freaked out. He asked me like 3 times where I wanted him to sign it and I finally said on the CD its self,which is like half black and half white! He signed so big that it took up the whole white area!

So then I was at Danny and the first thing I asked was will u take a picture with me and he said sure! He looked at the CD and said good one Eric just take up the whole thing so he signed the picture thats on the inside (which is my fave)! It was kewl though cause he signed his whole name since he had all that room! Then we took the picture, I had to sit on the table and he had to lean forward! He put his arm around me and everything! Oh and I was totally embarrassed 'cause this woman in front of me was talking to some one really loud and said look shes shaking and she was laughing! I was shaking though! I mean, come on, he had his arm around me with no shirt on, I'm sure any one else would be too! Any way I talked to Ricky while Danny was signing my friends stuff he was nice! I just kinda said "hi" and said "hi" for my friend who like loves him and gave him a letter from me to all of them!

Then after the women who runs the fan club was going to take a big picture with every one who went! We were all waiting over there and Eric stands up on the table and said "I love u all" and blew a kiss! Then they jumped (literally) in the picture! So it should look kewl cause it's like every girl who went!There were no guys there at all! We got to talk to Erics friends and other people while we waited in line!

Ok well they all seamed totally nice and it was kewl that they talked to us too. Danny and I didn't talk much but I can kinda tell that he is shy like it says every where! Eric sounded different then I thought he would but he was nice and he was like going through the CD pictures and turning each one going where do u want me sign it here here here! They were all soo nice though and it was neat to see um smile cause like in every picture u see they aren't smiling! At the end Ricky was signing some girls cheast but she came from the back so I think he knew her, still it was weird! It was funny to see all the girls afterwards, one was like in tears cause she said Ricky was cute and he said she's pretty! Others were like I'm never washing this hand again! I thought the concert was great and everyone I talked to thought so too! And I think every one should know that their live performance is totaly worth going to!


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