Eric Nies


name: Eric Nies
born: May 23, 1971
lives in: New York City

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  • modeling assignments (1992)
  • "MTV's The Real World 1" (1992) himself
  • "Days of Our Lives" (TV Guest appearance) (1993) himself
  • Above the Rim (1994) Montrose
  • "MTV's The Grind" (1994-95) VJ
  • "The Real World Vacations: Behind the Scenes" (TV) (1995)
  • "The Real World Reunion" (TV) (1995)
  • The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) a DJ
  • "MTV's The Grind Workout: Hip Hop Aerobics Videos" (1995 - 1997) dancer
  • "The Real World Reunion: Inside Out" (TV) (1996)
  • "The Real World You Never Saw" (TV) (1997)
  • "MTV's Road Rules All Stars" (TV series) (1998) himself
  • "Thunderbox" (TV series) (2000) host

comments: Oh Eric! Aren't you just the hottest stud ever to hail from New Jersey's shores!? Eric is the star that MTV made; and, at last count, he's had more than his 15 minutes of fame. Eric Nies burst on the MTV scene in "The Real World 1: NYC". Before that, Eric had a nice little career going as a model. We can see why. This boy's damn hot! And all those hours at the gym sure paid off. What a bod! After TRW1, Eric hosted MTV's "The Grind", where he strutted his shirtless stuff to the latest MTV raves as a VJ. He had a small cameo role in The Brady Bunch Movie as a DJ. And he starred in a sizzling exercise video. Who can workout watching that boy half naked!? Eric's gone from "The Grind " now, but, according to Eric (on one of those TRW reunions), he's off to solve world peace. Good luck, Eric! Pop in on your home away from home, MTV, and show us what you're doing now and then, eh boy? Catch Eric in all those workout videos he's made, they're worth the investment.


  • Official site


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