David Hanson


name: David Hanson
born: May 18, 1974 in Los Angeles, California
lives in: Santa Monica, CA
family: three brothers and sisters
hobbies: tennis, golf, baseball, rollerblading
pets: a Chow, Tacha
trivia: played varsity basketball in high school, and went on to play in college, but an injury cut his athletic career short; appeared in music videos for Robert Palmer and Bel Biv Devoe


  • "Hang Time" (1995) Chris Atwater

where is he now: David Hanson didn't start out wanting to be an actor. He had his sights on a basketball career, but it was cut short by an injury in college. Turning to acting, David went to Europe, where he landed his first commercial, and appearances in music videos by Robert Palmer and Bel Biv Devoe. His big break stateside came with his role as Chris in the popular "Hang Time". What a babe! Unfortunately, it hasn't seemed to lead anywhere.


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