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The guys favorites and other things:
full name: Bryan Nicholas McFadden
fave music: BSB, Boyzone and Five
fave film: Grease
fave football team: Manchester United
hates: school, reading and writing
fave men's perfume: D&G
fave women's perfume: Cool Waters
fave pizza topping: Ham
fave body part: His eyes.
ideal women: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears, Claire (Steps)Bryan in 5 words: Humorous, loving, generous, shopaholic and mad
Gossip: Bryan threw out a note from his hotel window which said: "Westlife love Swedish girls" (This we got from a Swedish girl!)Kian
full name: Kian John Francis Egan
fave music: BSB, Boyzone and Five
fave food: steak and chips
fave football team: Liverpool
fave cartoon character: Buzz Lightyear
fave Playstation game: Time Crisis
fave Westlife song: Fool Again
fave body part: His eyes
ideal woman: Good looking, good personality, good funKian in 5 words: Romantic, stressed, Romeo, kind and hard working
full name: Mark Michael Patrick Feelihy
fave music: all kinds
fave food: steak and chops
fave football team: Liverpool
fave men's perfume: Hugo Boss
fave women's perfume: Calvin Klein
fave Westlife song: Flying Without Wings
fave Playstation game: Driver
fave pizza topping: A pizza with Chicken, ham, mushroom and pineapple.
fave journey: Journey home
ideal woman: Thoughtful & funnyMark in 5 words: sensitive, sensible, shy, interesting and quiet.
full name: Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne
fave film: Up Close and Personal
fave group: Boyzone
fave football team: Manchester United
hates: smoking
status: dating the Irish President's daughter, Georgina
fave Westlife song: Moments
fave ballad: Fields of Gold by Sting and Against all the Odds by Phil Collins
fave aftershave: Dolce and Gabanna
fave journey: To Dublin
fave Irish celebrity: Dustin the Turkey
fave pop star: Shane Westlife
fave body part: His eyes
ideal women: His girlfriend GeorginaNicky in 5 words: Sensible, smart, mature, dedicated and luxury lover.
Plans: to hold on to Georgina (do we hear wedding bells?)Shane
full name: Shane Steven Filan
fave film: Titanic
fave food: spaghetti
fave football team: Liverpool
hates: insects
fave Irish celebrity: George Lazenby
fave soap character: Joey from Friends
fave pop star: Nicky Westlife
fave ballad: When you say nothing at all by Ronan Keating
fave body part: His eyes
fave aftershave: Hugo Boss and Coolwater
fave Westlife song: Fool Again
ideal woman: Cute & cuddlyShane in 5 words: Serious, funny, generous deep and introvert
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Fatima's Encounter with Westlife
Stockholm, Sweden
July, 2000(Westlife is in Stockholm to record their next album.)
I met the lads in Westlife and they are the sweetest!!! They will be here for 2 weeks so we will see alot of them! I only took Shane, Nicky and Kians autographs at first...
Then after a while Nicky and Bryan came out of the hotel and they were going to a bank so we just walked with them I talked some with Nicky and how sweet can you be?!!! =) And when I asked Bryan to sign my book I accidently dropped some stuff I had in it and Bryan actually picked them up!!!!! God they are all so SWEET! Then Bryan ran like crazy (just for fun) and told the other fans to run to *lol* And when one girl didn't see a car Bryan grabbed her quickly to safety (he is a hero)! =) And Nicky's love Georgina is fine (I asked him)...
Then when me and my friends where at McDonald's Nicky and Kian suddenly came in! *s*
I didn't take any autographs (the others did) but I did get a hug from both of them...And yesterday Nicky came out in hte cutest outfit!!!
Baggy pants and a big sweatshirt...so CUTE!!!
I'll tell ya what else will happen =)More from Fatima:
Okay so Westlife has left and went back home BUT they will be back in 2 weeks to perform at Okej Dagen a outside concert with a lot of artists...Anyway alot more happened when they were here so I'll try and make it short =)
One evening a guy came out with baggy pants and a baggy shirt on and I actually didn't recognize at first, that it was in fact Nicky! I'm so used to see him all dressed up *s*
And another evening Shane, Nicky & Mark came together from the studio in an ordinary car so we didn't see them at first...geez *lol* They were really sweet and when Mark said to me (as he was signing a picture of him) :Ah I never look good at pictures... But I said: Mark you always look good at pictures! =)
And I took pictures with all three but all of the pictures were destroyed by my littlebrothers *grrrr* :( But my friend has a picture of me and Nicky! =) =) =)
Also Anto (6th member) was there and he's really funny!
One day we followed Bryan in a cab! *s*
And then they went out to party and I also saw Georgina!
Afterwards we met Shane, Kian & Mark as they had been out partying. Kian was really funny and talked alot... Mark stayed outside the hotel for over 1 hour, talking to all fans and all, and he even did comfort me 'cause he thought I was sad as I couldn't get home. And he also signed an autograf and painted a little man on it..he he he... I also talked alot to him and he said he didn't think Mariah Carey was gonne be nice, but he realised she was! His favouriteplaces in Ireland is his home and then Dublin He also laughed when I told him that I had snuck into the Cheiron-garage and heard some of their songs...
The last day I saw them Kian, Nicky, Shane & Mark were running outside the studio to the other =)
And Nicky said Hello! (just to me :p) without me saying it first, and to Mark I said a thing I said the day before and he laughed.
And as we went to eat we met Nicky on a bike, he had been buying food (on McDonald's) =) Then outside the hotel I took a new picture of me and Nicky, so he is the only one I'll have pictures of (but that's okay 'cause he's my favourite)!
I hope I get the chance to meet them in 2 weeks!
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