Jeremy Jackson
name: Jeremy Jackson
nickname: Buddy
born: October 16, 1980 in Newport Beach, CA
stats: brown hair and eyes
family: mother, Jolana; sister, Taylor
pets: his dog, Joey
trivia: Jeremy is a fitness nut; practcies martial arts (he has received a purple belt in tang soo do); he works with a group of kids at his community church, where he writes and performs Christian rap for them; Jeremy has been recording his music since age 12, and continues to tour in Europe
hobbies: surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and musicprojects:
(click on title to purchase)
- Shout (1991) Young Bell Ringer
- "Thunder Alley" (1994) (TV guest appearance) Danny
- "Baywatch" (1991 - ) (TV series) Hobie Buchannon
- The Straigh Story (1999) Andy
comments: Cute little Jeremy Jackson has made a name for himself as Hobie Buchannon on "Baywatch". He's growing into a fine looking young man, too. Not a bad little actor, young Jeremy has a whole career ahead of him. When you start out flashing so much skin, there's nowhere to go but up. Jeremy is much more than a pretty face and a cute bod, he shows a lot of depth in his acting, and we look for bigger and better things from young Mr. Jackson. His latest project is a role in David Lynch's next effort, The Straight Story. Jeremy also has a musical career in Europe.
Star of the Week gallery: Jeremy Jackson Check out our new JJ gallery! fave place: Maui
fave bands: Smashing Pumpkins and Stone Temple Pilots
fave food: hamburgers, cheeseburgers and fries
fave drink: Pepsi
fave TV show: "Baywatch", "The Simpsons"
fave actors: Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman
fave colors: black, blue and white
- the Official Baywatch site
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updated 10.2.00
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