Lee Brennan


Lee Anthony Brennan

September 27, 1975 in Carlisle, England (at City Maternity Hospital)
family: father, Frances, mother, Una; two brothers and two sisters
western star sign: Libra
chinese star sign: Goat/Sheep
status: currrently dating Lindsay from B*witched

stats: brown hair, blue eyes; 1.63m (5'4"); 57kg
hair: recently, blond
physical trivia: has a scar on jawline
piercings: ear
favorite football team: Carlisle United

trivia: he collects hotel room keys (25 at last count!)

before 911: receptionist at a bowling alley (Hollywood Bowling Alley); and Laser Quest

loves: Galaxy Chocolate Bars. Writing Poems.
his type of girl: someone around his height or slightly smaller who has a nice personality
fave Spice Girl: "Emma, because she's cute and she's got a lovely smile"; they have dated but it didn't work out, Emma saying she needs "a man manlier than him"
describes himself: "a loyal and caring friend"
most frightening experience: being diagnosed with cancer (the song "The Journey" is about his feelings living with cancer); he has beaten cancer twice, at age 8 and 13
most embarassing moment: When he was young Lee couldn't find any clean underwear so he borrowed a pair of his sisters. He'd forgotten it was PE in school and he had to do PE in nothing but a pair of flowery knickers!

record that most annoys him: Encore Un Foi
first record he owned: Status Quo's Rockin' All Over the World
first poster on his wall: A-Ha

Quote of the Month: " Love is a funny feeling when you have your eyes on no one else except for that one special person"

Currently: The band has broken up.

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updated 7.1.00




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